I'm falling

I need to talk to you..
I did it again, and i'm going to do it more
I hurt myself this morning
This morning when everyone was expecting something from me
This morning when I had to face another day alone
To be who I am, and I hate that person
The words tried to scream for help
The worst part is you didn't even try to hear.
I'm falling.
You turn your face away
This is the time I need you here
I need you here, when I've lost myself
I winced when I did it you know.
I don't remember ever wincing.
I hate to say it,it hurts my pride
But I need you.
I'm falling.
Hold me? Hold me close?
I need comforting
I'm falling.
Wincing and screaming
and crying and pleading
Does that sound like me?
I always suffered in silence
But not on my body.
I'm falling.
Help me up. Help me up.
I'm falling