Beneath The Surface.

Such simple smiles cover up the lies

she hid so well for years.

There's make-up for the swollen eyes

which brought to pass her tears.

A simple shirt might not mean much

to the single naked eye,

But sleeves so long with seasons such,

you'd think she'd want to die.

Beneath the surface of her flesh,

so clearly bruised and torn,

Is a little girl trapped by herself,

still recovering from a storm.

Her heart had cracked right on the side

that held her love for him,

Laying on the bed fist clenched tight

to this wonderful shiny pin.

Oppressed by people, she's given rules

she feels she cannot keep,

Scared to the point of death by dreams,

which meant she couldn't sleep.

She sees his face where'er she goes,

sub-concious or in mind,

She'll never forget what he made her do

that long and awful night.

Beneath the surface of her flesh,

so clearly bruised and torn,

That little girl inside herself

tells her she will escape his scorn.

Her heart did hurt as she questioned love...

with her it is a must.

Laying there being subject to

this mans uncontrolable lust.

Her skin so soft was gentely touched

by one and one alone,

Inside that room he made her cry,

what he did was not condoned.

His pants went down, he made her touch,

then feel and grab and rub,

Never before did she expect

any more from this guy than a hug.

Beneath the surface of her flesh,

still clearly bruised and torn,

This little girl released herself,

her concience did she warn.

Her heart was breaking

as he spoke about his love for her,

Laying down still holding it,

wishing to disapear into the floor.

Now she's alone just lying there

acompanied by her tears,

Everything just happened to her,

her worst nightmare-all her fears.

That jerk who made her curl up and shake

deserves to burn in hell,

But no-one will know what went on that night

because she'll never tell.

It's beneath her surface,

deep inside nearby that little girl.

Her broken soul has he devoured,

that night he made her hurl.

A part of her has fallen off,

her heart bled out her tears.

So this secret she does keep inside,

the same she will for years.