Perfection Doesn't Exist

Perfection Doesn’t Exist

A smile that lights up a room.
Ese that sparkle like the stars.
A voice that whispers the truth.
Heaven-sent is not the word.

Jet black hair as dark as night.
Eyes as green as the forest.
He is a mystery,
Wanting to be solved.

A name that is unspoken,
Because I have not heard it.
He is a song waiting to,
Be dreamed and written down.

He seems like he is perfect,
But everyone should knows that,
Even roses fade away,
Just like an old photograph.

Nothing is ever perfect,
Even if it seems that way,
Beauty is only skin deep,
No matter what you may think.
♠ ♠ ♠
I got into the talent show, but unfortunately I didnt win. I messed up on the roses part.