She Dies

She felt as if she could die from the pain she felt inside,
She cried but yet she still didn’t feel any different,
She cut just to feel the pain,
And yet she didn’t feel any different,
She put on a fake smile for her friends,
She cracked jokes,
She laughed,
But she was really crying and screaming inside,
She felt abandoned,
She felt as if no one could feel just like her,
No one would understand why she felt this way,
She seemed so cheerful,
If anyone asked her if she was ok,
She’d respond I’m ok don’t worry about me,
And go on with her day smiling and laughing,
People just walked all over her,
She acted like it wouldn’t affect her in any way,
She brushed it off and went on with her day,
No one could really see why she would end up this way,
Crying herself to sleep,
Wishing she could just die,
She always thought to herself that she didn’t deserve to live,
Making everybody’s life much easier,
She only has a few best friends,
The rest of them are just people that talk to her,
They care for her,
But she thinks that they just say that just to make her feel better,
She cuts,
She cries,
She slowly dies,
Day after day,
Night after night,
Hour after hour,
She dies…..