Why Do I fall?

I've fallen so many times,
For a guy who's let me crack more and more each time.
I've watched as you drifted away,
And left me to break.

So why do I miss you constantly?
And why do I cry for you?
What's wrong with me,
That I'd let you break everything.
Why would I let you destory my life?
Ruin my friendships,
And make me question things I shouldn't ever have to.
It's my life,
Not yours.

You can't choice my friends for me,
And you can't make me change my mind.
I'm not letting you destory my happiness,
It's MY happiness, not yours.
And if you don't like me happy,
Why the hell are you still around?
I'm not letting you get to me,
You can't make me doubt myself anymore.
I'm a smart girl,
Even if you don't see it.
You're not the only thing that makes me happy.
So why should I let you control wheather I'm happy or not?
That's not for you to make. It's for me.
And over all, I'm sick of you lying.
If you really love me why do you keep turning to other girls?
Why do you keep changing your mind,
And not telling me about it?

In all honesty here,
It's my life.
I control it.
And if you can't handle it,
Move on from me.
Find a girl who's going to put up with your lies,
And cheating.

Because it's sure as hell not me.