Inside His Head

I know he thinks,
Because I love his thoughts,
But when he looks me in the eyes,
And I see his secrets hidden beind dark lashes,
I can't help but wonder what he's holding back,
I ask myself what's inside that head of his,
That is begging to get out,
What is he afraid to share,
What could be so bad,
I hope he'll open up to me,
Not today or tommorow but someday,
And tell me how it feels to be a guy like him,
And who that guy really is,
The questions thought but not dared spoke,
Love letters wrote but not sent,
The courage dwindles then fades away,
And I turn back around and tell myself I'm okay,
But I never am and I cry alone at night,
And sometimes in my dreams,
I bow my head and ask in silent prayer,
What's inside his handsome head,
And do I really want to know?