Please Come Back and Don't Forget

When we were together fire melt the ice,
Everyone saw how perfect you and me fit,
Together like a jigsaw puzzle,
I turned to you for everything,
And you were always there to catch me,
So i would'nt fall,
I was supposed to be you’re forever and always,
But then I fell hard,
And for the first time,
You weren’t there to catch me,
You were gone and had moved to someone else,
While I was left behind in the dirt,
Watching you have what I always wanted,
What we should’ve been,
What we could’ve been
You weren’t there to hold me when I cried at night,
Or talk to me when things didn’t feel right,
I was alone,
Left to cry and deal with this all,
Which is way too much for anyone to be burden to,
You never will know how I felt when you left,
Or what I did when I was crying ,
Alone waiting for you to save me,
And wake me up for this nightmare I call life,
Don’t forget you said forever and always to me,
So now I’m left here,
Waiting for you to come and save me,
And tell me it’s going to be alright,
But I’m not sure if it’s really true or going to happen,
I’d give anything for you to come back,
And for me to just be happy again,
And for this fake smile,
To just be a real on for once,
If you could just see,
That all I want more than anything in the world,
Is to be yours,
So is this really the end of the beginning for us?
Everything coming down to nothing?
All I want is for you to look at me the same way you used to,
Even your slightest glances my way,
Make my whole day,
Knowing you saw me.
Why are things different?
Can we ever go back to the way we were before?
Because for me,
Anything that was once there would be back in an instant,
I don’t even know why I can’t let go,
Because you’ve hurt me so much,
And I shouldn’t want you,
There are so many other options,
Even better than you,
But I don’t want them,
Because they’re no you.
And now I lay here thinking,
About the same ‘What Ifs’,
That are constantly running around my head.
Please open your eyes,
And see that I'm right here,
Waiting for you,
Hoping and praying,
You’ll come back to me,
And we’ll be back again like it’s supposed to be.