Today's Death

So the time slides beneath us
And we stand staring at the sun
Hopeful eyes
And loaded gun
Another kill almost done
Fifteen minutes come and gone
My gaze on you

Stepping through the overgrown grass
So the earth slides beneath us
Don't tap the cardboard door
Whatever for
We never knock
So we've stumbled into your routine

Gently into chaotic screams
And so my sanity continues to tear from its seems
Dig your heels into nightmarish dreams
Of a bewildered woman turned child

I sway back and forth
As she dances with morbid moans
You keep her on her toes
I'll never get used to this

"Look away" you say
Hand now raised
My gaze cannot escape
Her kitten-like eyes
Oh the poor Belle Morte'
And now,
So her blood branches and slides
Beneath me

Shaken body, looser jeans
You pull her away
Protect me from the screams
I'll get used to this
I promise

She's done, She's done
She leaves her blood on our gun
And lies, so graceful in black heels
And frail
For her family's business deals
We're done
And Denny…
How the time has slid beneath us