We Were

You talk to me,
And my heart skips five beats,
This overwhelming feeling of happiness washes over me,
I feel like I can do anything,
And no other has ever made me feel this way,
I get your text at night,
And a huge smile creeps on my face,
Making me look like I’m smiling like an idiot,
We know each other so well,
Almost better than I know myself,
Those small comments,
And meaningless statements,
Are the things we remember about each other,
I remember where your grandma lives in Washington DC,
And you took your dog for a walk on a dark night,
And you were scared and texted me,
Telling me about it all,
And when we’d text until 3 am,
Not even talking about a direct subject,
Just random thoughts,
That just flowed out,
And felt so natural to talk to,
And easy to start any conversation with,
There was never a dull moment,
Always laughter from your humor,
And excitement with every word that would come from you,
My best memories are with you,
Are yours with me?
I remember it all,
Do you remember it too?
Or is it just me trying to not let you go,
And holding onto everything I possibly can,
Because I'm scared to let you go,
No one is you,
And could never take your spot,
My heart is with you,
And will be until you open your eyes,
And you’ll see it’s right with you,
Where it belongs,
Where is should always stay,
Because from October on,
It was always yours,
You just never knew,
But I know you’ll come back,
To where you belong,
And that’s right here with me,
You’ll kiss me through the phone,
And we’ll catch the love bug again.