Moving On and Letting Go Was Never Supposed To Be This Hard

Move on is what I hear from so many,
They say I shouldn’t hold on,
To something they say won’t come back again.

But some things are better left unsaid,
I still love you,
I always will,
But they might be right,
And may be wrong,
I might need to let go.

And as I slowly start to fall for another,
I get scared because he’s no you,
And I might be letting go of you,
And everything we should be.

But this new person is different,
And I enjoy his company so much,
But he is not you,
He is like dirt compare to you,
As where you are a beautiful redwood,
Magnificent and grand.

You still have my heart,
And I won’t let that go,
Because there is so much more small things,
That only you could ever do.

So here I am,
Frightened of what might happen,
And what the future might hold,
Because all I want right now,
More than anything,
Is to be in your arms,
And for you to whisper in my ear,
Ever so softly,
That it’s all going to be fine.

But maybe you won’t come back,
Because maybe you weren’t supposed to be mine,
And maybe this is my payback,
For not lying to my self for so long,
And letting you take me,
And my heart with you,
But I didn’t realize it until it was too late,
And you had my heart,
But you didn’t realize it,
And when I was going to tell you it was yours,
To tell you officially,
You broke it in front of many people,
And especially me,
You didn’t even think twice,
Just did what supposedly felt right,
To you,
But you never saw,
Or felt what I did,

So as I much as you’ve hurt me,
Why can’t I move on?
And just live my life,
And finally go a day,
Without thinking ,
Or wondering,
About us.

As I lay in bed,
As the night takes the sky,
I wonder if you are worth all of this pain,
The pain I’ve carried with me for so long,
And the pain that is mixed with hope.

Someday you’ll see,
We are meant to be,
But for now,
Some days I find it hard to look at you,
Without wanting to scream in your face,
And telling you all the pain I feel,
Some days it’s pure anger I feel toward you,
And I don’t even know why,