We, Vampires

"Sleep tight little city," said Amber. "Don't let the bed bugs bite." Then, slowing down on the paved cobblestone, she whispered, "Or, lets think more realistic. Don't let us bite."

Don't close your eyes in this city,
They're gonna get you,
Don't try to act all herioc,
Its not gonna help.
Just think about it,
Their fangs, their claws...
They can rip through skin,
They can rip through flesh,
And everythin' else!

"But- but she's just a kid!" cried Rachel.
"Hush, you'll wake her up, pig snout!" Sophia snapped, gingerly touching her victim's face.
"I don't harm kids!" Rachel replied sharply.
"Its either this kid, or no food."
"How about this one? He's gonna go soon anyway," Rachel said, holding up the arm of an extremely old man.
"Jackpot," said Sophia, licking her lips at her next meal.

You see baby,
You understand,
How dangerous they can be?
So don't sleep tight
Until they leave,
And you're all free.
So little kids,
Just don't be scared,
You'll be excused.
But say goodbye to your Gramma and your Grampa
You won't see them.

"Don't touch my baby! Eat me!" cried a mother.
"No. I'll eat your boyfriend instead."
Just before devouring the juicy delicious man, the sun came up and the moon vanished. The vampires were gone... forever.