Can We Return To A Time Of Peace?

I wish we can go back to the time we met.
Everything was perfect then, we hugged each other and
had great laughs. We talked to each other for hours and hours.
We even looked at video's together and commented about it,
what we liked and hated from it. We were alike, you and I,
same taste in music, movie, comedy and the list can only go
on and on. We were such close friends that we at some point
even called each other brother and sister. But sadly all that changed.
In one stupid fight all that we had stood still. One week passed
and not one word has been said to each other. Our war effected our
friends around us and over time all was forgotten. We talked to
each other as if nothing had happen. But we were never again the
same. Something between us had changed, we don't hug as often
anymore or look at movies. However we did talk to each other just
a little more. I know more about you than I do myself, I could tell
everyone what your favourite colour is, all the way down to what
are you thinking, maybe even your reaction if you ever read this.
As I said, something had changed. Slowly but surely we are growing
apart from each other. The time we once shared long forgotten.
Until one day in the middle of the night, I woke up my heart
was beating faster and faster. I looked at myself in the mirror and
I looked like as if I had seen a ghost. Was it a bad nightmare that
could have made me so frighten? The answer is NO!
It was the harsh reality between our friendship. We had gotten
into a nother fight, but this time it had seemed we were never going
to talk to each other again. I don't feel like fighting with you, all
I want now is to go back to the time where we made each other happy.
Can we please stop constantly fighting and unit to rip a hole in time
and space, to go back and to the moment where we truly made each other
happy? Or have we already gone to far and there is no turning back now?
I'll be waiting for your answer, even if it means waiting forever.