To My One and Only, Mr. Trevino

I feel my heart sink deep in my chest.
I can feel my skin stripping against the knives.
The warm oozy blood drips all over my body and I know I can’t survive.
Then I open my eyes and realize I’m fine yet my hearts been torn in two.
I love you more than I love myself.
Yet I’m tired of you never coming through.
I live to hear your voice night and day.
But you’re always angry and refuse to talk.
I hate how you can’t answer my questions and just stare at the ground.
I miss when you used to hold me in your arms.
I forget what it’s like to feel loved.
A year in a half is sometime, especially when you’re not sure if it was a waste.
I know you love me…I think.
I know you care…I hope.
Yet as everyday goes by it seems more and more, that I’m nothing to you.
I know I’ve done things to break your heart.
And I’m sorry for all that I’ve done.
I treated you horribly, I did you wrong.
But in the end I still love you…
You took the blame for things that weren’t even your fault and I’m sorry.
It’s too late to put the blame on me now, but I can feel my punishment.
I’m not sure whether to smile or frown when I say that I’m single.
Because I still love you and want you around.
But I don’t want you to destroy anymore of my heart.
Your promises are lies that I can’t take anymore.
Please know that you have my heart and I hope you decide to keep it.
I tried for so long, and I failed you.
Yet you as well failed me.
Maybe we weren’t meant to be, although I’d like to think we were.
And I’d like to think that maybe one day soon we can be together again; forever.