There is no questions to love

What can I do?
When can I see my hearts desire?
Can’t I runaway from this heaven and hell on Earth?
Yeah, I can
Of course I can and I will right now

No ones stopping me
What do I do?
I’ll continue on
I‘ll push on and pass the mountains and highways

What if I grow tired?
What if I can’t push on and pass the mountains and highways?
Then I will sing
I will sing until my hearts desire is fulfilled
Until its run out of words to say

What if I never run out of words?
What if my voice grows tired and croaks?
Then I’ll run
I’ll run towards the sullen moon
Its round form calling me forward
Its evanescent glow lighting my way through the night

Will I howl at Brother Luna?
Will I be a wolf and let loose my soul with the moon?
Will I be human and let my soul wander free past this mortal shell and fly into the skies?


I will become the wolf and let my soul lighten within my mortal shell
I will suffer for those who wish to suffer no more
I will runaway into the night with my past behind me and a future beyond the horizon
I will have the wind flow through my hair as it waves in kindred manners
I will take change in my life without hesitation
I will have some of this light that begins to shine and hide the moon

Though can I stay?

Maybe not…

May I weep at this thought?

I wish…

Can I love?

Hardly anymore…

Can I hold the hearts and souls of others within my own?
Can I hold their memories for a mile?




Maybe a thousand?
A thousand miles to run and walk for someone I love?
Would you walk a thousand miles just to see someone you love for five minutes?
Would I truly do so?

I would walk a thousand miles…
To let them live for the remainder of their lives without worry for one more person in their lives, hearts, and souls
I would walk a thousand miles just to let my kindred spirit run free for five minutes
To let others be just as free as me