The Not So Itsy Bitsy Spider

The spider weaves a sticky black web around
Me, so that not a word will I sound

Not that I could
Not that I even would

For that spider always returns
Bringing with it stinging burns

The words that it screams
Breaking my core at the very seems

Stupid little girl it cries
Words uttered in despise

My struggle is futile
I am no longer in denial

Eventually the creature will retreat
Into my skin and to my brain with its deceit

Everytime that thing comes near
Sadness fills me, out pops a tear

A war with myself and the bitter creature that stayed
Deep inside me it has its mind clearly made

How many times I have tried to rid
Myself of this monster, but no matter what I did

It would again show its ugly maw
Waiting to grab me in its jaw

There had to be a cure
Of this and only this I was sure

But the only thing I didn't know was how?
How to get rid of that thing now

It is nestled so deep inside
It is in me there is no where to hide

From a not so itsy bitsy spider
♠ ♠ ♠
Why is it that my favorite poems are always the least commented? haha :]