Never Will the Stars Collide

Okay before you even read the poem, ill tell you now that it was a project for my creative writing class. The point of it was to take out one line out of three of your favorite poems and make your own poem out of it. So yes i have three lines in this poem that are not originally mine, they have quotations and the credit goes to....

Theodore Roethke, i used a line out of his poem "In A Dark Time"
William Wordsworth, "I wandered lonely as a cloud"
and Byrom "The destruction of Sennacherib"
Now... heres the poem.

Never Will the Stars Collide

When you realize it was just a dream the fears start to flee
When “In a dark time, the eye begins to see”
The boogie monster in the night,
that vanishes when you turn on the light
The life jacket of truth when your drowning in the lies
Ending a sleepless night with a beautiful sun rise.

That is what you are to me, the feeling that tells you it will be okay
You are the sun that peeks through the clouds and reminds me that my skies will not always be gray.

In doubt, you are that little flitter of hope that keeps me going
On a day that I feel droopy and gray, you keep my smile glowing.

“Continuous as the stars that shine and twinkle on the milky way”
I will love you forever, every second of the day

The site of you is better than any wonder of the world, better than anything I have ever seen.
You are like the breath of fresh air that I’ve been needing, “Like the leaves of the forest when Summer is green.”

When my thoughts grow gloomy, I think of you and everything else seems so small.
If ever I could not be with you, stars would collide and skies would fall.
