Footprints are all that's left...

I had a dream about you last night.

Three years and the dream was of you. It was you and I fighting about us not being there . How I was trying to get in touch with you, how you seemed to not care because when you tried I didn't listen.

Thirteen. One of the best years of my life because of you. Whatever happened?

There's blood around the moon tonight; a bad omen and I fear tomorrow's awakening. However, I can't stop thinking about you, your image flashes in my mind, our sweet memories. I can't help but wonder, did you have that dream too?

It's been so long now, I don't even know if I should even try again, snice I've failed so many times in getting in contact with you. Yet, I still can't help but wonder about the what if's in our life.

The birthday card that you gave me that had the word forever written on it, but for us I guess forever was cut short. I miss you still, this dream proved it. Somewhere deep inside of me I still love you, long for you, and some part of me knows that that's true.

The blood around the moon tonight warns us. Makes me scared because I know it has to do with you. I know you probably don't care anymore but I pray. I pray for you, a long lost love who I had promised my heart to long ago. And even if God does not exist for you, I pray that my own will keep you safe.

Rob, don't forget these words and most important my name. Because yours forever echo's in my mind as the footprints you left in my heart remain still to this day. All made by your name and your heart that had once touched mine.