Serve the Balance

Remember, we were free
Our cities did not dwarf the mountains,
Forests were not leveled,
All remained in harmony
Man and nature reveled

Then darkness fell
Tendrils of Imperial wrath lashed out
Corrupted all in their path
Now the sea is black
And the sky pure grey
All mankind, cast down to a living Hell

They reign coercive cruelty from above
The dominant despotism we must adhere,
Their imperious Imperial oppression,
Peremptory totalitarianism,
We live in fear!

Cosmic imbalance shakes the leylines,
Damnation encroaching from the fading sky

Dying stars call down,
As we obliterate them one by one
The cold glow forged from their tyranny,
Consuming the planet to replace the sun

Lacerated mountain peaks
Daily incur more scars,
In the midnight winds we hear their cries
We must serve the balance, thus,
We shall rise!

Amassed ten thousand strong,
Marching to the dystopia we must bring down
Deadly weapons ov technology in our hands,
In our furnace we'll melt the crown,
We follow ancient paths through the forest and the sand,
To war!

They stand in our way,
We'll crush them this day
We overtake and overrun regardless of casualty
We shall make them die,
To the echo ov our battle cry,
"Free yourself from Hell, REBEL!"

Whatever angel ov death who stalks us
Has fallen on the lands he sought to kill
More rise, more fall
As rebel soldiers call
"They offer misery, we bring you free will!"

Humanity rises up against subhuman scorn,
We raze and burn and kill until our freedom is reborn!

On the last night the Imperial skull
Is crushed beneath rebel's boots,
his crown is melted down
And the liquid poured on its former head,
Guns resound as he's ripped apart,
The remains, wrapped in chains,
Eviscerated so the world can see
The darkness of his heart.