And odd, confused piece of writing...

I'm past fourteen
What have I seen?
There's Catholic school
With plaid that's green
I've been downtown
It's so unclean
I've been in tears
With a bright red sheen
I was depressed
But now I'm clean
I've seen death make
Unholy screams
And I've been in crush
Back when I was thirteen
And aside from myself
I've seen just one fiend
Because for me
There is no scene
Except for the holy
Blue and green
And that's all in the world I've seen
What did I expect
When I'm just fourteen?
But I've never seen a concert
Except in my dreams
I've never been past Texas
Or even to L5P
Cuz I've got no one to see shows with me
But I could go on my own-
I'm already fourteen!
Maybe I'm just a poser,
But that's the most the Catholic kids have seen
But hey, I know the bands!
I've seen them on screen
I listen to the Suns
Cuz they're the closest to the real thing to me
I've heard the scene is dead
But maybe the spirit is alive in me
I guess it's all relative
But I've got passion, gold and not yet green
I'll be damned if that doesn't count for something
And I've know the bass since I was thirteen!
But it's outside looking in for me
Or maybe inside looking out, see?
At least I know the Greenday kids
Aren't as punky as they claim to be
I recall being one of them
When I was ten or three
But I guess that what I mean is
I don't know about the local scene
I've got an urge to leave this place
But it's in vain, I believe
I'm stuck here for a reason
So I guess I'll just live like I please
Cause some chaos in Catholic school
Maybe get to know that Fiend
I don't know where I'm going
Do you know what I mean?
After all, I haven't seen shit
And I'm only fourteen.

Fiend= Fan of the Misfits.
"L5P"= Little Five Points. Sketchy, alternative area in Atlanta with really good music.
"The Suns"= The Bastard Suns, delicious local group.
Greenday kids= reference to the ridiculous number of kids I see in Green Day shirts at school, and the fact that they think Green Day is the most punk thing ever.

This is partly satire, partly not