the days where blood poured like rain

These scars won't ever go away,
They're a reminder of the past,
When the razor was my bestfriend,
And the the pills spoke to me in a way no one else could.

And as I think about those days,
The days where blood poured like rain,
And the pain never went away,
My chest aches for the monster I had become.

No one ever loved me,
I was the freak in school,
The girl who wore black,
And had vampire pale skin.

I was 13 when I met my best friend,
My dear razor that never let me down,
And everytime I cut,
They only got deeper and deeper.

Soon it was an addiction,
Like coke to a drug addict,
It had become my life,
A part of me, someting I couldn't give up.

And the pills were an acquaintance,
For when the pain just didn't let me go,
So one night I took a whole bottle of aspirin,
Passing out before I vomited on the floor.