
Broken memories

Broken hearts

Only parts of those months

Are bearable to recall

And my life seems like an empty hall

An empty void

A few months I felt like I was an eagle soaring in the wind

So free, fearless, and not a care in the world

You brought me back to Earth harshly

I wish that I could be tearless

So many nights were devoted to you and me

And now it is like you don't even see me when I pass you

Like you don't hear me when I speak to you

And I fear you have already moved on

I stood out on your lawn one night

Waiting in the black stillness

But you turned your back and ignored my pained cries

So I tried telling lies

I told you I hated you

But your heart is cold

You didn't care

You love the Maier girl

I tried begging and pleading

But you turned me down

And with a frown, I went home

Once, I saw a look of acceptance in your eyes

But then she came up behind you and kissed you

It wasn't the same kiss

It was the kind that screamed, 'He's taken, he's happy'

I walked home, and a tear escaped my eye

So I gave up

I used to be independent and carefree

But you came

I was smitten

I can't get over that look in your eyes

Now I am nothing but a pitiful girl

That became too dependent on someone that didn't need her

I used to be strong and happy

But you were like a drug

You began to slowly kill me

And when you left, I became depressed

I fear I am also too obsessed

I wish that I could start over

And be new again

But I can't

So I will try to pick my life up again

But I know for sure that pieces of my heart are gone forever

I left them with you