A Stalker's Love Letter

Stalker to Girl Next Door

Hello today, how are you?
If you see me, then I see you too.
I know this will be quite a fright,
But I watch you in the dead of night.

I don’t quite know if you know me,
But you’d be surprised of what I see.
I’ve seen you in your quaint, little home;
Oh, by the way, I have your comb.

Your birthday is the second of June;
Your favourite colour is maroon.
If you think that this is creepy yet,
Your in for quite a shock, I bet!

Your bedrooms on the second floor,
Next to mine, right next door.
Can’t you see we’re meant to be?
I even have a matching room key.

I’ll give back all the stuff I stole;
Except for that one shoe sole.
It’s in the closet, next to the shrine,
Where I always pray you’ll be mine.

Forget a big wedding, who needs to know;
No need for a date, no dinner or show.
‘Cause I’m the man you’ve always dreamed of;
So come to me, my dearest, sweet love.

Girl Next Door To Stalker

What an interesting introduction you have there;
I think you gave me a little more than a scare.
Oh, by the way, I’m doing just fine;
But I think this watching thing has crossed the line.

I doubt I know someone as creepy as you.
Even if I got the chance, I don’t think I’d want to.
Especially since you’re someone that watches me at home;
And just to let you know, that probably wasn’t my comb.

So you know my birthday is the second of June,
Well don’t expect to be invited anytime soon.
Yes in fact, I find this creepy and queer;
You’re the kind of person I fear.

This is enough, tell me no more;
I closed the curtains and locked the door.
How can you say we’re meant to be?
Coming from a stalker, that’s pretty funny.

Everything you’ve touched, I don’t want it back.
Sanity, for your information, is something you lack.
Crazy enough to build a shrine of me;
Soon enough, an asylum is where you’ll be.

A restraining order is what you’ll get;
A lifetime in jail, better yet.
Don’t be expecting any sort of call;
As of now, don’t be expecting to see me at all.