I've Failed

I made promises,
I was determine,
To keep each on,
As if they were people.

I was able to,
To keep them,
Nothing wrong happened,
Nothing has changed.

Till the day,
I made a promise,
To you.

I promise I will help you and be their for you.

I proved my word,
Time and time again,
I always pulled you back,
From that dark sea of temptations.

You seemed happy, and well
I thought I was doing a good job.

Then you called me,
You were sad,
And you wanted to die,
I begged you not to,
I pleaded to and God,
For your safe return.

You said no,
You sheded tears,
Then silence.

I shouted into the phone,
Your name, tears forming.

No response,
Then I relized,
That my nightmare,
Was coming to life,
Before my very eyes.

Still nothing,
Now I come to know,
I broke my promise,
I've failed at being,
Your friend.

Now I sit here,
Crying, and Thinking,
What other promises will I have failed to keep?