No happy ending

The blood drips from my arms,
The tears fall from my eyes,
I look to the sky wisper "I'm sorry"
I look down sarrow filling me, I have failed you, I have failed the one love i knew,
I insteantly hear a cry of pain leave my mouth,
I hear the pain and hurt in that one voice,
and i know, I know this is best,
This ending truly fits, no happily ever after, no not this time, this time it is real.
I look down to the blood i have shead, all around me, I look to the face in front of me and i see you, you look angry, you look sad, and i can't take it anymore I grab the blade and cut, I cut up my arms and intantly sarrow leaves me and pain fills it's place, I look around me searching for the familer face but is gone.
I look down to my arms and i know, i feel death filling me, i lie back on the cold ground and wait for my ending to be fafilled.