Pain, Suicide, Death

His heart bleeds for the one he loves.
If he carries on like this soon enough his corpse will be covered in bugs.

He smiles to keep his friends happy.
His laugh a bad attempt a peppy.

His unhappiness such a shame.
A few to blame.

Only a few of his friends know he's suicidal.
Oh what a title!

On the inside he hurts.
So on the outside he cuts.

His rejection is too much.
But he still keeps up his bluff.

He decides he cant carry on.
So...long after dawn

He finds a knife.
To end his life.

In a pool of blood lies his unconscious body.
His mum finds him all bloody.

He wakes in a hospital.
But this isn't possible.

I should be dead.
Not in this bed.

His friends will be pissed.
And still he thinks he wouldn't be missed.

The scar a constant reminder.
Though he isn't much older.

Suicide always a nagging voice in his mind.
Some think him blind.

To throw away a life.
With a knife.

To want to take his life.
With a knife.

He still wishes he was dead.
Suicide always in his head.

But one day...
He takes closure that one day... Someday...

Maybe not far off...
The light of life will leave his eyes.