
Being human,
There's always something,
Something we fear,
Something that terrifies us above all else,
Something that grips us in it's hot, sweaty grasp,
And makes us cower in fear.

I, myself, am unafraid,
By the monsters in my closet,
The ghosts in my attic,
Or the dark shadow outside my window,
I walk on by, completely unfazed,
Whilst others will tremble and fall.

But there is one thing,
That makes my breath falter,
That makes me break out in a sweat,
Fear has me in it's palm and I'm powerless to escape,
It will be my downfall, and that I know,
But I can't get rid of this fear.

This fear, so terrifying, I'll tell you now,
And I know so many share it too,
That the one they love dearest,
Will be forgotten and lost,
And that incapacitating fear,
That maybe I'll never see them again.

But if there's one thing I've learned,
One thing I now know,
Is to cherish the time I do have with them,
The future's uncertain,
Every second, a risk,
So live, laugh and love with that special person.