i loved you

Ive felt as if ive died,
Dead, thrown to the side,

i could feel my heart break, shredding apart in my chest,
i thought your words 'iloveyou' meant only the best,

but i know now that all the tears i wasted were just in shame,
useless, beaten once again,

im so fucking hurt from all your shit,
i just want to set a match to it,

im numb, my lips cant speak,
im desperate,im hungry starving and weak,

your slowly killing me everyday,
the pain's almost to much to bare,
and all you had to do was fucking care,

but now i know not to trust,
anyone, because all anyone wants is lust,

so brag all you want,
i really dont care,
someday, you will get your fair share,

ive done all i could,
i cant do no more,

ive left, ive ran,
straight out that door,
i cant take your abuse anymore,

i loved with everything in me,
now everytime i think of you,
i can hardly breathe,

maybe we just werent meant to be,
and all i ever wanted was for you to love me,