Glass Figurine

You look at me through the glass,
Although it is not me you see,
The people look yet still they pass,
My eternity trapped with a piece of glass that is me,

Kept behind a wall for show,
The looks I receive create and fuel my fear,
My self-esteem at a low
Your eyes at me still they leer,

You pay the price to take me home,
Your pity on me a great relief
Thank the savior that your attention shall once again roam,
The objects you collect have become your belief,

I have become an object of desire,
I want the pleasure of being free,
Anything to be ride of this curse of fire,
My soul from you I will place my plea,

Today I have fallen to the floor,
You weep with great sorrow for my loss,
You open the door,
To the garbage can me you toss.