Once Upon a Life.

Once upon a time, there once was a girl.
The girl was too young to see the true world.
A world full of hatred and pitch black deceit,
for she had no clue what was out on the street.

Once upon a life, there once was a boy.
No one would play with him for he was too coy.
He saw the whole world as hatred and lies,
The way the world seemed through only his eyes.

He hated the girl and all of her dreams,
the way she believed the worst of the fiends.
He wanted to show her the world as it was
and how all the people don't care what he does.

But when he went toward her, to his very surprise,
it all suddenly faded when he looked in her eyes.
Those beautiful orbs that weren't sad at the least,
showed the poor boy that the world could have peace.

She showed him a world of which he could not dream,
and how their lives weren't as bad as they seem.
Instead of his world reaching out for the the girl,
the girl opened his eyes they and reached out to the world.