Dear grandad

The day the bronchitis took you away
My world was shaken my sky was turned grey
Tears where over flowing from this 7 years olds heart
I hated myself. . That’s where the downwards spiral began to start
Each day id longed for that phone call to say their had been a mistake
You where alive this had all been a fake

But after a few months I began too accept you’d gone
I’d sit in my room listening to that tape of our song
“No matter where the end is my life began with you”
This line stuck to me. . Like an emotional glue
That sacred photograph of me just a day old
I was a tiny bundle safe in your hold

I always made you my number one
When times got hard at home... it was to you I’d run
We would sit down and I could get it of my chest
How Pete would hit me… and how mum would still think he’s the best
You would always promise me you wouldn’t let me cry
It would all be better... you’d do your best to try

And now ten years later I’m still sat here with you in my mind
And that bond we had… I’m yet to find
I wish you could be here when my heart gets broken
Your words of comfort I really wish where spoken
I miss you granddad and always will
You shouldn’t of left .. you should be here still