Until Then, Dear, I'll Let My Dress Blow in the Breeze

Slow it down, please,
I remember the night in blurs
And the intensity
Is killing the mood,
Then though,
I realized summer was over,
And the sun rarely came out;
Every night though,
I hung my summer dress
On the rusty old clothes line,
It was my own personal sign,
That I was still awake
And ready for you to
Finally come around,
In your very best;
This is the fast track
To all the dreams
You told me
You'd like to see me accomplish,
Because you knew I could be more
Than I let others believe,
But you were wrong, kind sir,
I'll never live to see beyond twenty two;
I live in an odd slow motion world,
I see that you may have
An imaginary dream,
Where I could be your girl,
And you could take me dancing,
Don't worry I had the same one
Before reality came around
And gave me a slap in the face;
You were always there to
Calm me down,
When I had a spasm,
You whispered sweet nothings
And it calmed me down
Unlike my mothers medicine;
Maybe one day,
We can go back to the
Small creek,
And get into another one
Of our little fights,
Until then, Dear,
I'll let my dress blow
In the breeze