Can you ...

Do you hear that ?
close your eyes and hold your breath...
Can you hear the faint whipser in your ears?
Can you see behind your closed lids what is in my nightmares?
Can you feel the light air brush your skin or is accutly you imaging my finger tips apon your skin?

Do you see that ?
Close your mouth and watch carefuly...
Can you see how this is slowly wokring it's way through me?
Can you see the pain in my movements?
Can you see I have no reason to trust anymore and where this is leading me?

Do you feel that ?
Close your eyes again and concerntrate...
Can you feel my pain?
Can you feel that pull am I pulling you closer?
Can you feel that sharp stab everytime I breath?

Can you hear at all? Can you even see? Can you just feel that ?
Or am I nothing at all?
Answer me...