gone too soon but it seems like every one knew
gone to soon now everyone doesnt know wat to do
she was just gone to soon.

i dont know why she just left the world
every last breath was to praise others
she was just gone to soon

she was a friend that we thought would pull through
she was defintily gone to soon

she made a differecne in everyones life
tell every one not to give up dispite
all the things that she has been through she was defintily gone too soon

every one wonders why not me
it should've been some one bad not valeri
i know for a fact she was gone to soon but lyk i said everyone knew

she made a difference soo ders no more need to cry
just cuz she left soo sonn ders no need for everyone to die
she wanted us to live for something and make and impact

so just cuz she's gone to soon
doesnt mean we are gone tooo

...but i still shed a tear because she was gone to soon :'(

>>>>>>>>R.I.P. VALERI <33333 We alll love you<3333>>>>>>>>