Closure 9/9/09

There is a place my heart reserves for those it used to love,
Some names tainted with the blood they spilt,
Others shine with purity.
My mind yarns to imprison your soiled name in the chambers I don’t visit,
But my heart resists,
Accepting the pain and strangled promises with open arms
Convinced you’ll realize your faults.
I need you to look me in the eyes with-out wavering
And tell me I am unwanted, too complicated to fathom
Not worth your while or your struggle,
I need this closure, my heart still remembers
The passion in your eyes when they met mine, so adoring and transparent,
Your jealous features so enraged at another’s touch,
And of course the spoken words
The promises,
I will turn and walk away with good graces,
If only you can do me this one last deed
To let me go,
Knowing your lost to me,
And I to you.