The Unfortunate Shiny New Toy

Brand spanking new,
An unknown face and countless untold memories.
A million truths, lies, and labels
All combined in a body just searching for a friend, through and through.

Coming to me
With your different way of life and interests I'd never heard of
I was in awe,
And I just couldn't see.

Couldn't see that I was just a new toy,
Like a gift received on Christmas morn,
Nothing special, nothing worth loving,
Like I could have sworn before.

After awhile you grew bored
And chucked me at the wall, my batteries flying everywhere.
Suddenly your shiny new toy was nothing more than a bore
A soul crushed and anguished.

You moved onto bigger and better things,
To a new shiny toy, fresh from the manufacturers.
Each one is unfortunate while in your path
Believing the lie that you so easily recite.