
Don't cry.

Brace yourself for heartbreak, Juliet.

Cyanide isn't the only poison,

There is one more,


I'm not sorry,

I have no regrets,

Because thare is nothing left,

This is the end of days and I know it.

Juliet, kiss me as the sky blows up around us,

Let our bodies combust in unholy bliss...

My lips will find yours in the wreckage,

Death cannot stop this,

Only the cry of your burnt body as I am gone,

The last human left is broken,

Without her other half,

A heart letting out a mourning keen,

But there is no one left to hear,

A desolate planet,

A girl,

A bottle of Laudenum to soothe her troubled soul.

The earth is now uninhabited,

The end is only the begining.