My Gift

I was given a gift, since before I was born.
This gift enabled me to live among others.
This gift was so amazing, because with it I
am able to move, speak, feel and have fun.

I have years with this gift and it has never
changed. It remained the same until they I
had to go through changes. I was slowly
but surely going through changes.
Everyone elses gift had changed allot,
but mine was almost the same.

I wanted it to change more, but the way
to change it was for me impossible to do.
But I kept at it, I did it every day. No matter
how pointless it had seem, or how hard had
it looked. I kept on doing it.

Months passed, with no change in sight.
To me you looked the same as the day we
first started. I lost my faith and decided
to give up, I went to school and some
people had told me that you had change.
The improvements weren't much but you
still had change and that's all that I really
cared about.

With my faith restored, I continued.
I had a goal and I am getting closer to it.
With every new movement, I feel you
changing. With every breathe I lost,
you changed. I continued doing it, until
I had no breathe left. Thinking I was
over doing it, I gave myself a rest.

The next day I looked at you, you had changed.
I didn't recognize you. You don't look the
same anymore. You're stronger, faster and
better than you were before. Am I dreaming?
I went to the beach with my friends and
people kept on staring at you. It felt so weird,
because they normally would look at my friends
gift and ignored mines. The rejection I have felt
long ago, was finally gone. I fit in finally,
but at what cost? I miss how you use to
look like.