
Why do I hate you so much?
feel the shame rise in my face.
Want to be loved.
Sick of lies.
Why can't I find who I am?
Why do these tears fall like rain?

I didn't sign up for this.
All these feelings i supress.
The pain starts in my chest.
It slowly works to my heart.

Is it true you can die of a broken heart?
That your heart slowly breaks,
And the tears start to slowly fall,
Then they start coming on like a storm.

My heart might not be whole,
But you know what they say:
Better to have loved and loss than to love a psyco.

I'll hold true to me,
I'll watch you go.
I won't worry as you go.
Heres a part of myear heart as you leave.
Don't forget me as i turn away,
No longer yours no longer mine.