
I wish and dream and think of you
But I am not lucky enough to have you.
I wish and dream and hope to be in your circle of friends
But I am not lucky enough to know them or privileged enough to be so close to you.
I wish and dream and hope to be the one to make you happy
But I am not lucky enough to be her.
I wish and dream and pray for a bright side
But there isn't one when you aren't my light.
I wish and dream and hope to touch you
But I will never be of so much importance.
I wish and dream and hope to hug you
But even that may be asking too much.
I wish and dream and hope to kiss you
But you will not love me.
I wish and dream and hope to feel your body against mine
But for this, I shall only have my dream.
I wish and dream and pray you'll love me
But I do not exist to you.
I wish and dream and hope to keep you
But that is impossible when you are not and will not ever be mine.
I wish and dream and pray to see you
But you have never met me...