Love in the Form of His Lies

You sit next to me and so many thoughts scatter in my head
Are you really going to sit there like I never told you I loved you?
Are you really going to act like you never said it back?
Will you ever turn around and hug me,just to get that parnoia off of my back?

your eyes show nothing but apathy
your smile shows nothing but desperation.
your hands straining their veins show nothing but you trying to hold everything in.

i look for the confidence to say something,to say hello,to say how are you doing.
but I find it hard to refrain from saying i miss you
hard to hold back an I hate you,but never will i stop loving you
It's hard to forget all of the comforting lies you told me.

The days you made me the happiest person in the world
and days that you made me so depressed getting out of bed seemed so hard to do
since the tears had weighed down my eyes so much
But all I dwell on now is those happy memories that make me cry with joy

isn't it weird how happy memories make it harder to get over someone
and the memories of what hurt the most gives you more of a reason to get over them
this theory is the perfect one to live by for me
but I never...will take my own advice for the fear of giving him up

The truth hurts way to much to realize that no matter what I do
the person who hurts me the most will always be running through my head
day and night,night and day....
though I know that an unreturned love is an unanswered question
I'll never be smart enough to realize it