My love...

My love is not like the moon,
for the moon is inconstant and dull,

My love is not like the stars,
for the stars can not always be seen,

My love is not like the flowers,
for flowers only bloom in spring,

My love is not like the wind,
for the wind is cold and unpredictable,

My love is not like the snow,
for snow falls quickly but melts away,

My love is not like the sun,
for the sun shines but can leave burns,

My love is not like words,
for words cannot show how I feel.

My love is like the world,
for the world is vast and you may never know the extent,

My love is like the springtime,
for spring is warm and enjoyable,

My love is like a hug,
for a hug is comforting and tender,

My love is like nothing else,
for nothing can describe how I feel.