Hold on Little Girl.

You keep holding on.

No matter how bad you want to let go.

You keep that fake smile on your face Little Girl.

Little Girl you keep holding on.

Don`t you let those little boys drag you down.

You keep that fake smile on Little Girl.

You keep telling them that your alright Little Girl.

Those Little Boys can`t hurt you Little Girl.

You cry those tears Little Girl.

You hug your daddy Little Girl.

You keep on loving Little Girl.

Little Girl don`t you let those little boys boss you around.

Little Girl you gotta be strong.

You have to be brave Little Girl.

Matter how bad you want to let go Little Girl,

You keep holding on.

Little Girl with that bright smile,

You will go places in this world.

Those Little Boys who break your heart,

Push them off a cliff Little Girl.

Don`t give your heart away Little Girl.

You will only end up broken hearted.

Little Girl you keep holding on.

No matter how bad you want to let go.

Just keep holding on.

Little Girl things will get better.

This Little Girl I promise you.

Little Girl you be whoever you want to be.

Just don`t be like me.

Little Girl keep holding on.

If not for you.

Then hold on for me.

Little Girl, Just hold on.

You keep holding on.

Just hold on Little Girl.

Your daddy still loves you Little Girl.

Little Girl don`t ever let go.

Just hold on.

Don`t think about letting go.

Just hold on.

Little Girl keep holding on.

Don`t ever let go Little Girl.

I let go Little Girl.

I let go.

Little Girl, don`t let go.

No matter how bad you want to.

Just keep holding on.

Little Girl, just keep holding on.