I Am Lost And Found

I am lost and found

I wonder about the thoughts of others, for I know they often go in directions opposite what is expressed
Because fear of being laughed at is the monster that hangs over us all.

I hear the strain running through voices that tell a different tale than the rehearsed story,
One of empty loneliness, thinking there is no one around but themselves,
One of opportunity gone to waste, a fertile field lying barren.

I see small flickers of reality that are revealed by accident from beneath ornate masks,
A reality that is much harsher than the padded world we think we live in.

But I still want to have the chance to believe in sincerity.

I am lost and found.

I pretend to laugh, smile, and show concern because that is what society requires of me,
But I would rather feel genuine passion,
To take a moment and enjoy the beauty of so many of the world’s colors
Coming together to create a stunning work of art and
To have my smile be real,
Because who I am is a celebration.

I touch upon the lightness and darkness of the human mind out of genuine curiosity
Because I know that even heroism can be hiding something much darker,

And I know that that’s okay.

But I still worry that someone will think wrongly of me for it.

I cry out in my words and thoughts, needing to know if people will ever be truly free
Of the utter destruction we bring upon ourselves and upon others,
Simply because we don’t know how to express ourselves any other way.

I am lost and found.

I understand that some people are trapped within themselves,
Needing and wanting, but not having the strength to get what they need most,
And so always hanging back and watching others take it all away.

But I say that they don’t always have to be so defeated.

I dream that someday we will all be able to take off our masks
And play,
Knowing who we are
And finding pride in that.

I try to fit into the design laid out for me, but the harder I try, the more I just feel like giving up.
So I do
And I become myself.
Thinking not the same negative thoughts as everyone else,
But of safety and hope.

I hope the world will someday be able to relax and take a breath,
Lean back and enjoy the simplicity of just living without anything material
Because life is a balancing act between yourself and the world,
And accomplishing it brings a breathtaking view.

I think we should all step outside the line
And just
Take the plunge.

I am lost and found