
When I look into your eyes,
I feel enveloped in a warm glow.
I feel so happy I could sing.
I smile a small, soft smile that only reveals so much.
I keep getting lost in them.
When I walk, it's like I'm taking small dance steps.
I know that I'm glowing.
I can almost see my feelings for you reflected back to me.

When I look into your eyes,
I feel hurt.
I feel like crying.
I just want to run into my best friend's arms and have her comfort me.
I want to hide.
I feel broken.
I just want to be alone.
I fall apart.

When I see you,
I just want to jump on your back and make you laugh.
I want to run up to you and hug you.
I just want to talk to you.
I practically run up to you for no reason at all.
I'm always hoping you'll talk to me.
I almost jump for joy.
I get a little closer so you could talk to me.

When I see you,
I almost cry.
I lose my smile a little bit and frown.
I feel sad.
I feel like you kind of ignore me.
I walk the other way sometimes.
I sigh a sad sigh.
I runaway sometimes.

With you having me as a friend,
I feel like you really do care about me.
I try to restrain myself from skipping if we're walking and talking.
I feel really happy.
I feel like I can actually try and make our friendship stronger.
I want us to get closer.
I feel better.
I don't feel alone.

With you having me as a friend,
I want you to like me.
I feel like I'm not 'good enough' for you.
I want you to want me.
I try to look my best for you.
I break down and cry.
I feel almost close to worthless.
I just want you to feel the same way about me that I feel about you.

I need you.
♠ ♠ ♠
"You" is all about how I feel about a certain person. These feelings are real, and I kinda wanted to in a way just... this is really hard to explain. Well I just wanted to turn my feelings into a poem so I'll probaly give it to a guy, and well so I can express myself.
This is how I really feel.(just wanted to let you know..) thanx for reading!! comments are my skittlez!! = D

P.S. I think this is a free verse, but I'm not sure.