Lose Him

Will someone help me?
I love him to death!
But I'm afriad...
Afraid I'm going to lose him.
I keep pissing him off...
Hurting him...
Maybe mom was right,
Maybe I don't know how to treat a guy.
But he's the best thing that's ever happen to me.
I can't lose him.
He's my life,
My world,
The only one who's ever treated me right.
But I got to be so negative,
And start a fight.
He gets pissed off,
I start to cry,
Cuz deep down,
It hurts me to much inside.
I love this guy more than I can explain.
And losing him would be to much pain.
To much to handle,
To much to bare...
I wouldn't be able to live knowing he's not there...