Watashi No Ai

As is the overused cliche
I watch you
I want you
I need you
But you are out of my reach
Too far
From my human heart
Too far
From my reality
My life
Consists of a different world
We are worlds apart
Another cliche
You know nothing
Of me
How can you?
We are of different universes
Different realms
Separate existences
Everyone can see you
Everyone can admire you
But you can never
See them
Know them
You can only
Be you
In your dimension
Separate from me
I am trapped
In a world
Where I am alone
And far away from
My love
A cliched ending
I die alone
But when I die
I'll be happy
Because that
Will mean that
I have finally met
My love
And I can stay
Forever with
Watashi no ai
My love