Our Youth Was On It's Way Out

Please, let the summer
Turn into a memory,
Of what's yet to come,
Or what may never happen;
Your childhood may have run away,
But your mistakes
Promise to always be
By your side,
Into the dusk,
My complicated story lies:
Hold onto it,
Because one day it'll be gone,
Your imagination will be no more:
We all dreamed of being
Big and tall and unafraid
Of what was on it's way;
We could practically see
Our youth speeding it's
Little body out,
If it makes your chest hurt,
It's done it's job:
If all of your friends
Are just a faint memory,
And your 8th birthday party
Is now replaced
With mourning of everything
You missed out on:
Friday night soccer games,
Chain link fences,
And a fragile trampoline,
The crazy times,
I wish we had had,
Are now something
The children taste:
The chlorine filled sensation
That filled my heart to the brim