Love.. & Pain...

It's a simple word..
I loved him..
He loved me..
He broke the peices of my heart..
He left me for her..
She's amazing.
But she left him...
He almost killed himself..
If I wasn't there..
I don't know what he would of done..
Would he have done it?
Would he kill himself over her?
I don't know..
Because I was there.
I stopped him..
Talked him out of it..
And in the process,
I fell for him..
And thankfully..
He fell for me too..
Day after day,
I loved him more..
I don't know if that's possible..
To keep loving someone..
More and more..
Day after day...
But then..
One day..
He went and shattered it..
He took the remains of my heart,
that he was slowly peicing back together,
and shattered them..
It was like,
he ripped out my heart
and crumpled the peices to dust..
Till there wasn't anything left..
I cried and cried..
And believed him..
as he lied..
He had told me..
His parents made him..
When in the end..
they had nothing to do with it..
She did..
This amazing girl...
that just happened to,
walk back into is life..
and only wanted to be friends..
when he didn't..
he left me for her..
and lied to me abou it..
and HE didn't even have the nerve..
too tell me himself..
She did..
I got so mad at him..
And her..
When.. She really,
didn't have anything to do with it..
He did..
She didn't WANT to go back to him..
But.. He did..
He loved..
wanted her..
More then me..
Then.. it didn't work out..
He hadn't said anything to me..
Like he cut me out of his life..
Like he didn't want me..
Then.. He started talking to me again..
I was so happy..
Then he told me..
He still loved me..
I cried..
Then he called..
And I heard his voice...
For the first time..
After he broke my heart..
My heart shattered..
As soon as he said,
I almost cried.
Because at that moment.
I realised I still loved him..
But then..
I also realised..
How much hurt he'd brought me..
All the pain he caused me..
All the pain he'd caused my heart...
I acted like it wasn't there..
Like it wasn't killing me to hold back all the tears..
When it was...
And he didn't notice it...
Not one bit..
He didn't realise all the pain he had
brought me..
None of it..
Which made it worse...
But now...
He says he still cares about me..
But his hearts torn between two people..
Would.. No.
Could I ever go back to him..
After all the pain he's brought me..
Would he do it again?..