Have you ever

Have you ever...
Thought that maybe this could work
Thought that your words weren't always nice
Thought that this was stupid
Thought that everyone deserves to live
Thought about her mother

Do you think...
I love you
That I want to be with you
That I wish you were dead
That I think you are racist
That we will make this possible
That everyone should be treated with respect.

Do you wonder...
About life and death
Your parents
What sex feels like
If they ever will stop fighting
About what she's thinking
If I'll do it again.

Here's Reality...
No one is perfect
The sky is blue
Deaths will continue
I don't hate you
This isn't a poem
This is a train of thought
We are killing our world
Cutting yourself brings no happiness
Love without pain isn't really romance.

Dakota 2009
All rights reserved.