Baby, Just laugh.

Just laugh,
Laugh at all the stupid people.
Those people.
Those people who have nothing on us.

My friends see the smile on my face,
The bounce in my step,
Yet they want to break me down.

They rather see me cry,
And lose you then,
Have me happy,
And in your arms.

We laugh at those people,
Who are just jealous,
Of what we have.

Just laugh,
Laugh at all the stupid people.
Those people.
Those people who have nothing on us.

Laugh with me baby.
Just laugh.

Our friends,
They don't try to hide,
The jealousy in their eyes.

We just turn around,
And laugh at them.

You take me in your arms,
And hold me close,
I smile,
And giggle at the glares.

You whisper in my ear,
Saying how much you love me,
I smile and say,
I love you too,

They hear me,
They just turn away.
We laugh.

We just laugh,
At the stupid people,
Those people.
Those people,
Who have nothing on us.

Those people who stare,
And give us glares,
Are just jealous,
Because they have nothing,
Absolutely nothing,
On us.

So we walk away,
Hand in hand,
And we laugh,
We just laugh,

At those people,
Those stupid people,
Who are jealous,
Of what we have.

You spin me around,
And kiss me,
In front of,
Those people,
Those stupid people,
Who glare at us,
With jealousy,

Because we're happy,
And they aren't,
So we just laugh.

So we just laugh,
At those stupid jealous people,

Just laugh,
Just keep laughing,
At those people,
Those jealous people,

I love you,
I will scream it,
In front of those people,
Those stupid jealous people,

Just keep on laughing,
Baby, just laugh.